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Ar non sui jes mals et astrucs,
Anz sui ben malastrucs de dreg;
E puois malastres m'a eleg
Farai vers malastruc e freg.
Si trop un malastruc adreg
Que·l malastruc cap mi pesseg!

Que per totz temps sui malastrucs
Per un gran malastre qe·m ve;
E qui per malastruc no·m te
Dieu prec de malastre l'estre
Que mil malastruc foran ple
Del malastre q'ieu ai en me.

Dompna, per vos sui malastrucs
Car per malastre·m voletz mal;
E fis ben malastruc jornal,
C'anc nuills malastrucs no·l fetz tal!
Malastruc tro manatz engal
Per que d'est malastruc no·us cal.

Er aujatz cum sui malastrucs:
Qand cuich de malastre mover
Eu sui plus malastrucs en ver!
C'ab malastre·m laissiei cazer,
E pois vinc malastre querer,
Don aurei malastruc esper.

E pus aysi soy malastrucs
Mos pels malastrucx mi tolray
– Aytan del malastre perdray –
E si·l malastre no s'en vay
Malastrucx sia qui mi play
Car tan de malastre m'eschay.

S'ieu atrobes dos malastrucs
Q'anesson malastrugamen
A me mais malastre queren,
Adoncs for'ieu malastruc-gen;
Mas non trob malastruc valen
C'a me de malastre·s prezen.

Et eu sui aitant malastrucs
Qe de malastre port la flor
Et ai ben malastrug honor.
Levet, malastruc de seignor,
Tu chantes malastre ab plor
D'aquest malastruc amador!

Tu iest malastrucs de seignor
Et ieu soi malastrucs d'amor.

Now, I am not "ill" and "fortunate":
rather, I am fully ill-fortuned;
and since ill fortune has chosen me
I shall compose a poor, ill-fortuned verse.
If I find a truly ill-fortuned man,
let him crush my ill-fortuned head.

For I am always ill-fortuned
because of a great ill fortune that befalls me;
and he who doesn't think of me as ill-fortuned,
I pray god to smite him with ill fortune
for a thousand ill-fortuned men would be filled
with the ill fortune I have in me.

Lady, I am ill-fortuned because of you
who, out of ill fortune wish me ill;
and I passed indeed an ill-fortuned day
such as no ill-fortuned man ever got!
Ill-fortuned [shall I be] until you deal reasonably
because you don't care about this ill-fortuned man.

Listen now to how ill-fortuned I am:
when I wish to move away from ill fortune
I am, in truth, even more ill-fortuned;
for I let myself fall in with ill fortune
and then proceeded to seek ill fortune out,
from which I'll have ill-fortuned expectations.

And since I am so ill-fortuned,
I shall tear away my ill-fortuned hair
so to lose that much of ill fortune;
and if ill fortune doesn't go away,
may whoever pleases me be ill-fortuned,
since so much ill fortune befalls me.

If I found two ill-fortuned men
who'd go, ill-fortunately,
asking me for more ill fortune,
I would then be an ill fortune-gallant;
but I can't find any worthy ill-fortuned men
to approach me for ill fortune.

And I am so ill fortuned
that I wear the plume of ill fortune
and have a truly ill-fortuned honour.
Levet, ill-fortuned in your lord,
may you sing, among tears, of the ill fortune
of this ill-fortuned lover.

You are ill-fortuned in your lord
and I am ill-fortuned in love.