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Ans que·m jauzis d'amor,
Vos cujera plevir
Qu'om non agues cossir
Ni esmai ni dolor
Despueis qu'om s'en jauzia.
Pero eu n'ai dos tans,
Qui muer de gelozia.
Mas pueis sui benanans,
Per qu'ieu vuelh mais suffrir e retener
Ab tot l'afan, que tornar en querer.

Ben mou de gran folhor
Que, quant vei aculhir
A lieis, cui dei servir,
Los autres per honor,
Tem que·i mescle folia.
Pero sos pretz, qu'es grans,
Conosc qu'en dechairia,
Quar lai on es enjans
No pot bos pretz durar ni remaner:
Donc ben tem ieu so que no·m cal temer.

Enquer suffr' ieu major
Afan. Voletz l'auzir?
C'ops m'es, quan la remir,
Qu'ieu vir mos huelhs alhor:
Quar, qui·s n'apercebria,
Ben leu seria·m dans.
E s'ilh dels sieus m'envia
Gaire de bels semblans,
Aven m'a far semblan de non chaler
Per qu'ieu li·n fas dezamoros parer.

Ieu fug a ma legor,
Domna, per vos cubrir;
Que no vuelh tan jauzir
Que·us torn a dezonor.
Mais am ab carestia,
Pauc e pauc, qu'a un lans
Mon joi: Ja·l me tolria
Leu mos sobretalans;
Mas mezura i met per retener
E sen per vos cubrir, que·us deu plazer.

Ab entieira valor
Vos sabetz enantir,
Et ab sen far grazir
Et atraire lauzor.
Tal cum ie·us oraria
Es, cui platz, vostr' enans.
Belha, ses maiestria,
Joves, gent aconhdans,
En vos mostra valors tot son poder
Et a beutat no·us cal ren plus querer.

Lauzengier, merces grans!
Quar faitz creire tal messonja per ver,
Per qu'hom no sap so que pogra saber.

Before rejoicing in love,
I thought I could rest assured
that one would not have anguish
nor dismay nor pain
once one had rejoiced in it.
Instead, I have twice as much,
I, who die of jealousy.
But then I calm myself,
because I'd rather suffer and abstain
with all the grief, than resume my entreats.

It truly comes from great folly
that, when I see her,
whom I must serve, welcome
honourably someone else,
I fear that she mixes in something unbecoming.
But I know that her virtue,
which is great, would decline,
for where deceit is,
good virtue cannot last or remain:
thus do I indeed fear that which doesn't behove me to fear.

And still, I suffer under greater
grief. Do you want to hear?
That I need, when I behold her,
to turn my eyes elsewhere:
because, if someone noticed,
it'd coud easily harm me.
And if she directs some of her
beautiful glances towards me,
I need to look like I don't care
even though I look loveless to her.

I shun my ease,
lady, to hide you;
for I don't want to rejoice so much
that it'd turn into your dishonour.
I rather enjoy my happiness
with parsimony, little by little, than
in one go: my excessive eagerness
would easily take it away;
but I use measure to preserve
and sense to hide, which should please you.

With perfect fortitude,
you know how to come forth
and to endear with good sense
and to attract praise.
Such as I'd beseech it
is, like it or not, your advantage.
Beautiful without peer,
young, kindly welcoming,
in you fortitude displays all its might
and it doesn't behove you to ask more of beauty.

Slanderers, many thanks!
Because you make believe as truth such falsehood
that one doesn't know what he could know.