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Pos jois mi met en via,
Ben dei derenan
Demonstrar mon talen,
Que ves tal s'umelia
Mos cors qu'en semblan
Non lo·i aus far parven.
Pero Amors me da tan d'ardimen
Que de leis chan; e no sabretz qui sia,
C'a totz ho vueill celar comunalmen.

Car trop gran vilania
Es qui·s vai vanan
Per outracujamen;
Mas ieu n'ai maestria
Ab que·m gart de dan;
E trob, mon essien,
Qu'ieu sai mentir, e ver dir pus soven,
E, quan me vueill, e la vertatz es mia,
E quan ops m'es, la mesonja·m deffen.

Dona, ves q'ieu sia
[Hueu e derenan]
Vos mi don e·m prezen,
Qued autra senhoria
Non vueill ni deman
Ni anarai queren.
Mais vueill estar al vostre mandamen
Que d'autr'aver s'amor ni sa paria:
Faitz e digatz de mi vostre talen!

E qui ren vos dizia
De mi lauzenjan
Tant vos sai conoissen
Que ja dan no·i auria.
E quar eu dic tan
Sai que fauc faillimen
Qu'ieu tan vos am, pros dona, coralmen
Que res el mon albirar non poiria
L'amor part del trop mieils qued ieu n'enten.

Since love prods me that way,
I must, from now on,
display my feelings,
for my heart leans
towards such a one that I don't dare
reveal it in an apparent way.
But Love gives me such daring
that I sing about her; and you shall not know who she might be,
for I want to hide it equally to everyone.

For it is too great boorishness
that one goes boasting
out of presumptuousness;
but I master the art
to save myself from harm;
and I find, in my opinion,
that I know how to lie, and how to tell the truth more often,
and, when I want, truth is mine
and, when I need, lie defends me.

Lady, wherever I may be,
now and forever,
I give and present myself to you
for I don't crave nor require
any other allegiance,
nor will I go seeking [it].
I'd rather stay at your disposal
than have the love and intimacy of another:
do and say what you want of me!

And whoever may tell you
about me slandering,
I know you are so wise
that it would do me no harm.
And in saying so much
I know I'm failing
for I love you so much, valiant lady, of all my heart,
that nothing in the world could imagine
love beyond the better understanding I have of it.