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Ans que·l terminis verdei
Chantarai et ai ben drei!
Qui que d'Amor s'esbaudei,
Eu no.n ai ni so ni quei.
A nuill home que dompnei
No quier pejor malavei!
Be mor de fam e de frei
Qui d'Amor es en destrei.

Amor no vueill ni dezir,
Tan sap d'engan ab mentir!
Per aiso vos ho vueill dir
C'anc d'Amor no·m puec jauzir.
Tan l'en vueill mal e l'azir
Can m'en membra·m fai languir.
Fols fui per Amor servir,
Mas vengut em al partir.

Per Amor sueill esser guais,
Mas eu no.n serai jamais
C'una·m n'enguanet e·m trais
Per que m'en gurp e m'en lais.
Ben es cargatz de fol fais
Qui d'Amor es en pantais.
Senher Deus quan mala nais
Qui d'aital foudat se pais.

C'Amors es plena d'enguan,
Per aver se vai camjan,
E·ls plus pros torn' en soan,
Que·l malvatz l'aura enan.
Ja non anetz domnejan
Ses deners et ab afan.
Amors que vai mercadan
A diables la coman.

D'Amors vos dirai com es:
Si valiatz un marques
Ja no·us en fasatz cortes,
Pos d'aver non auretz ges.
Si n'avetz donat e mes
No·us er prezat un poges!
Ja no·us hi valra merces
Pos vos er faillitz l'avers.

Qu'ieu dic als dompnejadors
Que van d'Amor consiros
No s'en fasson cobeitos!
E poiri'esser lur pros
C'asatz es ben abduros
Qui d'amar es talantos,
Que qui trop es amoros
Ben torna del caul au tros.

La chansoneta rema
No.n dic plus a en Perma!
Tal s'en fan d'Amor casla
Deurion trichar de pla.
Drutz que·s fai semblar Baza
Per Amor que fols i fa.
Ja el nos senh ab sa ma
Cui Amors enguanara

Before the season turns green,
I will sing and I have the right!
Rejoice about Love who wants:
me, I have neither song nor complaint.
To a man who acts all courteous,
I don't wish worse disease,
for he soon dies of starvation and cold
who is in the clutches of Love.

I do not want, nor desire, Love,
so much it knows how to deceive and lie.
For those reason I want to tell you
I never could feel the joy of love.
I wish it so much ill and hate it so,
that the remembrance alone makes me sick.
I was foolish in serving Love
but we have come to part.

For Love used to be gay,
but I will never be so
as one deceived me and betrayed me.
This is why I give up and renounce love.
He is loaded by quite a senseless burden
he who is in Love's thrall.
Lord god, he was born in an evil hour
who feeds on such madness!

For Love is full of deception:
it changes its mind for money,
and turns the most valiant into despicable people,
for the wicked will have it before them.
And don't go womanizing
without money, and by toiling!
Love that becomes a commodity:
the Devil may take it!

I'll tell you how it is with Love:
if you were worth as much as a marquis,
do not dare court
after becoming poor.
It doesn't matter how much you've given and provided:
you will not be considered worth a quarter.
One won't even give you a thank
after you've ran out of money.

And I say to the suitors
who want to dream of love
not to make their desire apparent.
And I say this in their interest
because he is rather miserable
who is too eager to love
for he loves too much
soon turns from bad to worse.

The song is over:
I say no more to Sir Perman;
some, who act as lords of Love
should rather be cheating.
A lover who has himself compared to Bazan,
for Love, acts like a fool.
And let him not cross himself,
who will be deceived by Love!