prosody | miscellaneous |
Savis e fols, humils et orgoillos, Cobes e larcs e volpills et arditz Sui qan s'eschai, e gauzens e marritz, E sai esser plazens et enojos E vils e cars vilans e cortes, Avols e bos, e conosc mals e bes, Et ai de totz bos aips cor e saber, E qand ren faill fatz o per non poder. En totz afars sui savis e gignos Mas midonz am tant q'ie.n sui enfollitz, sui humils on pieitz mi fai e.m ditz E n'ai orguoill car sai q'es bell' e pros, E sui cobes c'ab son bel cors jagues Tant que plus larcs en sui e mieils apres, E sui volpils car no.n l'aus enquerer E trop arditz car tant ric joi esper. Bella dompna, tals gaugz mi ven de vos Que marritz vauc car non vos sui aizitz, Car per vos sui als pros tant abellitz Qu'enojant s'en li malvatz enojos; Be.m tenrai vil s'ab vos no.m val merces, Q'ie.m tenc tant car per vos en totas res Que per vilan m'en fatz als crois tener E per cortes als pros tant sai valer. D'amor dis mal e mas autras chansos Pel mal qe.m fetz la bell' enfanairitz, Mas vos, dompna, ab totz bos aips complitz, Mi faitz tans bes q'esmenda m'es e dos, C'amors e vos m'avetz tal ren promes Que val cen dos c'autra dompna.m fezes; Tant valetz mais, per q' vuoill mais aver, tem perdre vuoill mais conquerer. Jois e jovens et avinens faissos, Dompn', e.l gens cors d'enseignamen noiritz Vos ant pretz dat, q'es pels meillors auzitz, E, per ma fe, si m'aventura fos Q'ieu ni mos chans ni m'amors vos plagues, Lo mieils de pretz auri' en vos conques E de beutat, e puosc o dir en ver, Que per auzir o sai e per vezer. Bels Cavalliers, chausimens e merces fin' amors sobrebona fes Qez eu vos port mi deuria valer Endreg d'amor, c'autre joi non esper. Na Biatritz, vostre bel cors cortes grans beutatz e.l fins pretz q'en vos es Fai gent mon chan meillors valer, Car es dauratz del vostre ric pretz ver. |
Wise and foolish, humble and proud, covetous and generous and cravenly and daring am I when I must, and joyous and desperate, and I can be courteous and boorish, and vile and accomplished and rude and kind, unpleasant and good, and I know good and bad fortune and have the will and wit for all good qualities, and when I squarely fail, I do so out of lack of opportunity. I am wise and ingenious in all matters but I love my lady so much that I turn to a fool: the more she abuses me in speech and in deed, the more I am submissive to her, and I am proud of this because I know that she is comely and noble, and I crave her body, to lie by it, so much that I become more generous and kinder, and am a coward because I dare not ask her, and too daring because I hope for such a bountiful joy. Beautiful lady, such happiness comes from you that I walk in despair because I cannot approach you, for through you I have become so agreeable to valiant men that I annoy by it the annoying wretches; I shall well think of myself as vile if mercy does not prevail with you for because of you I think of myself as so accomplished in all things that I make petty men consider me a boor as much as the valiant consider me courtly. I speak ill of love in many other songs because of the injury which the beautiful deceiver inflicted on me, but you, lady, endowed with all good qualities, grant me such meed that it is reparation and gift to me, since you and love have promised me such a thing as is worth a hundred times what any other woman'd bestow on me. So much more you are worth, so much more I want to have you, and fear to lose you, and want to win you. Joy and youth and charming manners, lady, and your pleasing person imbibed with wisdom have given you fame, so that the best listen to you and, by my troth, if I were so lucky that you liked me, or my art or my love, I would have gained the best of worth in you, and of beauty, too, I may well say because I know it from my ears and from my eyes. Beautiful Knight, pity and mercy and the precious love and supreme devotion which I offer you should be worth simple love, because I don't care for other joys. Dame Biatriz, your beautiful, kindly countenance and the great beauty and precious worth which are in you makes my art easily defeat the best, for it is gilded by your high and true merit. |